A new car technology, MyAVN, is soon-to-be launched in India. This device comes in a 2 din size and has a LCD screen that is touch-enabled. Manufacturer of this product claims that MyAVN can be installed in most of the vehicles which run on the Indian roads, without tampering with the vehicle's wiring system.
MyAVN is targeted for car users who plan to use ipods, iphones and browse through Radio/FM/AM while on-the-go. This product provides an option of connecting an external device like Game Player or Karoke to the car’s system and is also designed to support picture output to additional monitors connected in the rear of the car. MyAVN is priced at Rs 26,990 onwards, and comes with a warranty of 24 months.
Pankaj Banka, Director, AVN INC says, “MyAVN is the solution for all those who are looking for a comfortable drive with clear music, live navigation and safe Bluetooth options. We have succinctly termed it as Explore, Experience, Enjoy. You can explore the country with live navigation, experience the hi-tech features and enjoy the sound of music”.
Speaking about the growth of the car infotainment market, he adds, “The Indian market is one of the largest in the world for car infotainment as the automobile industry here is one of the most rapidly growing industry and happens to be the ninth largest in the world. The car infotainment industry is valued at Rs 500 crores onwards and with its launch MyAVN aims to be a part of this industry in a big way”.
MyAVN also has an additional feature of rear camera input that lets a driver to park or reverse a car by giving a live display on the LCD screen alongwith audio/video input. MyAVN also feature audio controls which enable a driver to change tracks and adjust the volume levels. The product also has an updated map software.
The company plans to launch online sales for this product in the upcoming days, to reach out to a large customer base.
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